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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wii Fit

So I'm now at 6 weeks and I can start working out again other than just walking...all I can say is how happy I am about that! Before I had my baby girl my tummy was one of my favourite body parts that I was proud of. Flat and toned. Now post belly is now jelly and any muscle that was once no more. I have Wii Fit...the latest way to get in shape via a video game. My parents got it for my hubby and I as a Christmas gift...and since the last time I used it was before I was pregnant I can admit I was not really looking forward to hearing how I have been active for a while and need to get on top of things again. I mean really like you want to hear how you haven't been staying in shape or need a reminder...isn't that the whole reason why you are playing the so called you can get in shape. I don't know, but if you ask me that is the most unmotivated idea pitch ever!!!

Well...all I can say is my once super strong tummy...was put to shame by this game. I can agree though that it is a good work out and I worked out for 45minutes and did burn up a sweat! So besides the negative reminders I have to say this is a great tool to have!

The "Sou Sou" aka soother

Your baby likes to fuss here and there and you've already checked her diaper, fed her, burped her and showered her with attention...the only thing to save the day is your new best friend. Her "Sou Sou" as we like to call it. In other words her pacifier or soother. All I have to say is who ever invented are my hero!!!!

Not that my little piglet is a major handful this I know. However, there are plenty of moments where there is nothing else in the world that can calm her other than this. Especially when she has gas or growing pains and they just come in waves. All you can do is just try to comfort her and ride them out with her. Her Sou Sou helps her concentrate on something else when those little pains come and make it easier on mom's ears from shrieking screams and cries to more fussing facial expressions or to help her fall to sleep when she is fighting the urge.

There is nothing more adorable and attractive then the sight of your husband having a nap in bed with your baby girl all cozy in her blanket stretched out with her arms up nestled close to daddy as you get to just lay there and watch in amazement with her sou sou in her mouth.

The two loves of my life...and a new found friend...the "Sou Sou."