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Monday, August 24, 2009


Aaron and I decided that we would go to Whistler for a week to celebrate our One Year Anniversary since it would be a nice get away full of hiking, relaxing by the pool and evening dinners. Not bad with a baby we thought.

We typically went hiking in the morning for a couple hours and pool sided it up in the afternoon. Well one morning in particular we decided to go for a 3 1/2hour hike to this beautiful lake. In order to reach the hike we drove there and had to take a turn off the main road to a dirt road full of pot holes and rocks that went further up the mountain. You wouldn't want to be in a car on this road...lucky for us we had our truck. Once we got to the beginning of the hike and parked the car we got pretty pumped about how we were really on a hike in the middle of the mountains. It was full of huge trees, streams and creeks, with the gorgeous river that ran along side our right, we were really in "Bear Country" as the sign said. I soon realized that I forgot to wake up baby Ashlyn before we left our hotel and breastfeed her so needless to say about 20minutes into our hike she started to fuss...and then cry. Well well well....Try hiking in where let's just say it's not your typical leisurely hike and finding a log to breast feed isn't the ideal location. To make things even more interesting I have a bee swarming around me while my husband is off peeing in the bush because he wants to be one with the wild. I mean really can he not just stand guard for me to make sure if on the off chance that anyone does come by that he can just stand in front of me. Then there is the thought that crosses my mind...are bears attracted to breast milk like they are if you have food out? And what about that darn bee... I'm sitting there along the trail hoping no one comes and sees my boob hanging out with a baby latched on as I hold her with one arm, try to swarm a bee away with the other and hope no bear decides to pay no visit while I yell for my husband to get his butt back here. (He wasn't far away but far enough as I was concerned!) I must have been a sight for sore eyes. I mean really though, typical man just thinks well she's busy so I'm going to go and find a tree. I swear guys just like to pee in the bush for 2 reasons; 1. because they can. and 2. because it makes them think they are one with nature, a guys guys or something along those lines anyways. I like the wild too but you don't see me squatting by a tree and marking my territory. Seriously. And of course just as I put my boob away and was yelling for my man to come back so we could continue on...a biker rode by. All I was thinking...thank you for not coming 20 seconds earlier.

Regardless of our little 'episode' once we reached the was well worth it and breath taking! Hiking with a 6week old made it challenging in some ways but a great weight to add to the work out. However we did have a couple more feeding times on our way back...but by the time we were done I was a hiking mom boob baby feeding pro!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wii Fit

So I'm now at 6 weeks and I can start working out again other than just walking...all I can say is how happy I am about that! Before I had my baby girl my tummy was one of my favourite body parts that I was proud of. Flat and toned. Now post belly is now jelly and any muscle that was once no more. I have Wii Fit...the latest way to get in shape via a video game. My parents got it for my hubby and I as a Christmas gift...and since the last time I used it was before I was pregnant I can admit I was not really looking forward to hearing how I have been active for a while and need to get on top of things again. I mean really like you want to hear how you haven't been staying in shape or need a reminder...isn't that the whole reason why you are playing the so called you can get in shape. I don't know, but if you ask me that is the most unmotivated idea pitch ever!!!

Well...all I can say is my once super strong tummy...was put to shame by this game. I can agree though that it is a good work out and I worked out for 45minutes and did burn up a sweat! So besides the negative reminders I have to say this is a great tool to have!

The "Sou Sou" aka soother

Your baby likes to fuss here and there and you've already checked her diaper, fed her, burped her and showered her with attention...the only thing to save the day is your new best friend. Her "Sou Sou" as we like to call it. In other words her pacifier or soother. All I have to say is who ever invented are my hero!!!!

Not that my little piglet is a major handful this I know. However, there are plenty of moments where there is nothing else in the world that can calm her other than this. Especially when she has gas or growing pains and they just come in waves. All you can do is just try to comfort her and ride them out with her. Her Sou Sou helps her concentrate on something else when those little pains come and make it easier on mom's ears from shrieking screams and cries to more fussing facial expressions or to help her fall to sleep when she is fighting the urge.

There is nothing more adorable and attractive then the sight of your husband having a nap in bed with your baby girl all cozy in her blanket stretched out with her arms up nestled close to daddy as you get to just lay there and watch in amazement with her sou sou in her mouth.

The two loves of my life...and a new found friend...the "Sou Sou."

Friday, July 31, 2009

Bath Time

It was Bath time for my darling Ashlyn. Especially since we spat up a lot last night and now smelled of the wonderful fragrance I like to call Sour Breast Milk...doesn't that sound appealing I know. I decided that since it's been records hot here that I'd have a cool bath with her. Of course I only filled it up a couple inches for me to sit in and brought her bath in the tub also. I think due to the heat she's been needing to feed more then usual to stay hydrated. Anyway we made our way to the bath and boy oh boy was I in for a treat. I should have known...what goes in must come out. Well after projectile vomiting mommy's milk, I quickly picked her up by her arm pits and tried to wipe her mouth, nose and body with a face cloth before it got in our clean bath. Then my sweet girl thought as soon as I picked her up peeing on mommy would also be essential...and then to top it off my once planned cool, refreshing, clean and clear bath time turned to baby's orange and brown colored poo. Let's just say she didn't just take a little squirt. Here I am holding up my baby thinking what do I do and of course all the while we pooped Ashlyn decided this was the sweet moment that every mother waits for her baby to look up in to her eyes and smile directly at her from ear to ear for the first time. Of course what else can you do but just laugh and think that's my girl...she's all about timing. How precious!

Monday, July 27, 2009

fast food

Your life seems upside down. Simply put. With the lack of sleep and the constant needs your baby demands from you makes your time very limited these days. Since when did having a 5-10minute shower (if your lucky) become an escape and you time. Ahh to remember the days of soaking in a bubble bath with sea salts, candles and enjoying the pleasure of relaxing for an hour and a half of pure pampering. I have been aching for a long bath of just me time...I honestly can say I have no idea when I will have that long of time to just sit there again and indulge of the sweet scent of vanilla and feel completely at peace.

However on a plus sign; we must burn a number of calories every day from breast feeding, walking our beautiful babies to sleep or trying to get them to calm down from gas pains. So even if you aren't doing any exercise trying to be super mom does contribute. Doing the laundry and cleaning the house while your baby sleeps, walking up and down those stairs numerous times a day, even when she's awake and we make those awkward baby faces your at least stretching your face muscles. Ha. Listen to me trying to find the easy way out. If only I could. Speaking about gawking and making weird faces at babies just to make them did that become so natural to us all. We all do it, I mean really our babies must be truly only smiling and laughing at us because they are thinking we look like complete fools. If someone came up to me and did the same thing I'd just laugh and think they were an idiot too.

So I've been super good about eating healthy since the day Ashlyn was born...but yesterday...yes yesterday we were out all day, so when we were hungry and in a rush to my parents house since we were about an hour and a half late...Wendy's Burgers it was. So I told myself that I had been good and not to feel slip up wouldn't hurt...and then dinner time came and cooking well it just didn't happen. Instead the pizza delivery guy showed up with a large half cheese, half pepperoni...yummy! At least it was thin whole wheat crust...but still. Oh well I've already done it...but 2 fast food meals...not the best decision. This wouldn't be an issue before baby in my pre-baby body, after all I think everything within moderation...but only if your body is healthy and in good shape. Blah Blah Blah...

Walking just means it got doubled...and in the heat. What was I thinking...I wasn't!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

3 weeks after birth...still have those thighs and tummy

After giving birth which was the longest 30 plus hours ever, my legs were toned and slim again, my butt nice and firm and my stomach flat and no flabby arms. Plus my face was no longer as round as a beach ball and my swollen feet fit perfectly and elegantly in to those beautiful strappy 3 inch Jimmy Choos. Ha...yeah right! If only it was that easy! I mean really, you'd think after 9 months of discomfort, only being able to stare at your designer jeans and clothes instead of wearing them, and watching those horrible lines appear on your thighs and breasts called stretch marks, that the man upstairs would at least give you your old body back.

Reality; 1 week later I was grocery shopping only to have a very nice man stocking the shelves down the aisle ask me when I was due. What I really wanted to say was 3 weeks ago, and a baby a week's called the belly after the baby thanks! What I really said...4 months. I figured I still looked about 5 months pregers.

Now I know it's still early and I shouldn't complain, I just am trying to get back what I worked so hard at before I was pregnant to have again...a good body...not only that but confidence and the enjoyment and pleasure of being comfortable in my own skin...if you ask me there is nothing wrong with that.

As soon as I popped that beautiful little girl out of me, I was ready to run, run and run some more...only to be told that I really shouldn't start exercising too hard until after 6 weeks so my body can heal. Ahhh I finally got this kid out of me and you are still telling me no. I walked for at least 45minutes everyday past my due date so I figured I am at least going to continue to walk. Well on my third day after giving birth it was nice out and I decided to take Harley (our pooch) and Ashlyn out for her first walk and mine since birth. Mind you I walked for 2 hours in the heat...and the next day discovered that my bleeding increased drastically and was barely able to move let alone walk around the house. So I wouldn't recommend that. However I'm at 3 weeks now and starting at the 2nd week home I've been walking anywhere from 2-4 times a week for 2hours, with lots of water on hand and pushing that baby stroller up any hill I can find. I live in the valley so there aren't a lot of real more like slopes. I'm happy to report that I've lost 26 lbs! Granted I lost 13 right after giving birth but still. Plus I've been breast feeding which helps burns calories - my boobs are like a vending machine with the hottest snack on the market! And drinking a glass of V8 everyday. However my belly has gone down but it's still like a big bowl of jello, it jiggles and wiggles and is not firm at all, plus it's still not flat! My legs are smaller, but my thighs are still larger then life for my small 5'2 frame! Note that I gained 50lbs on my pregnancy...whatever anyone tells you about how you can eat for two or whatever you want...don't listen. Stick to your regular habits just add more fruits for sweets and indulge here and there. PS. Take it from me...dessert does not mean the entire pie!